So, for those of you who i told that i was studying in Madrid, I lied. The program is actually in Alcala, a city some 30 minutes or so outside Madrid. We met at the Central Plaza (pronounced "platha") as you can see above. Its pretty cool looking. In a month or so, or even a few days I'm going to look back and think of myself as an idiot for not knowing this but i am pretty sure alcala has something to do with Don Quixote, like the guy who wrote it lived here or something. Anyways, its a really nice city and really laid back. But the center is still really nice. We live in a really nice neighborhood a quick walk away from the school and the center.

Our family is awesome! Here is a pic of them. There you've got Me, Andrew, Eva with "Laica", Guillermo, and Juan. They are SO relaxed and so fun. They go out of their way to help us to have an awesome experience. Guillermo is 13 and is such a stud. The dog, laica, is the funniest thing. Seriously, i could not have asked for a better deal.
I am soooooo proud of you! Proud of you because you have all ready posted but mostly proud of you because of what you are doing with your life. I will miss you but know that you are having a blast. I am so happy that your family is what you hoped they would be...keep up the good work and take lots of pics to post! ;)
Glad to see you survived the plane ride...that there weren't any snakes on the plane...dun dun dun...but dude, seriously add me to your link!! Geez! Anyways, i'm glad you ahve a fun family since you'll be stuck with them for a long time!! I'm so excited for JC to explore the Spainards. Love you my chuckle buns ;)
John Charles I am jealous. I'm liking the blog, props to your sister who set it up. You should email me your address so i can write you a letter...for reals.
except that pic of me and the kids is horrible!! :(
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