People were slowly peeling off and by the time we actually got to Goya's works it was just Erin, Sarah, and me. We saw all the ones that he did towards the end of his life where he went crazy. Those were really neat. After those we headed to his central display. The 2nd and 3rd of May. When we finally went into the room however they were no where to be seen. I asked the guard and found out that they are being restored till the 15th of April. I am so glad that I am sticking around here with my dad because I really am excited to see those. Being a little sad that they weren't there we headed over to Las Tres Meninas. There were a lot of the Zubies there. (Although few of the people on the trip are actually very zubyish. Everyone is actually really cool.) Erin decided it was her lunch time as did everyone else so they left me alone and I wandered towareds the supposed Rembrandt exhibit but there was only one of his pieces and it wasn't all that famous. But that is ok because there are tons of other WAY cool paintings.
I found Andrew when we planned to meet to head home and there was a group of 5 or so of us outside waiting to go back to Alcala. We decided to go and get "postres" at the "Puerta del Sol". They were really really good and then we finally headed back home. On the way over we saw a pretty cool looking bar and Andrew wanted a picture of it.
I love it and I love that you've reminded me of my love of Art. I remember when I wanted to be an Art History Professor! I too, felt that awesome appreciation for building and art when in Italy. Just think what kind of people they were and the intellect they had to create such buildings and art?!? It makes our country look a little pathetic in that regard?!? Love ya and keep it up!
...remember your "gay" experience on our family trip to San Fran. How funny was that and that poor bum that we always saw..."pitty for my kitty"! ha ha ha
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