Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Relaxed Few Days

Lets see if we can keep Katie appeased. The beggining of the week was pretty relaxed. Well, that would depend on your point of view but i was ok with it. During church Sarah Shumway had a concussion so Dr. and Sister Shumway took her and Timothy to the hospital and asked if I could watch over their kids during church. Nothing too odd since I've been doing that for years now. (Between my two beloved sobrinos and the many crianças of Brazil I'm pretty used to it. Don't worry Katie, my experience stems much more from the crianças than from your children.) Aaron decided it was pretty funny to copy me for a half hour but when I wasn't doing anything he got kinda bored. We all went to the Shumway's and waited for Sister Shumway to show up. She did much sooner than I thought. That night, after a lot of homework and a quick siesta I headed out to meet with the missionaries who were teaching a Brazilian. That was really cool. I could, for the first time in 5 months, perfectly express what I wanted to say. I was able to observe how different each mission is from each other. Mine lying somewhere on the extreme. Monday was a once again chill day. As I mentioned in the Email, the gypsy was out again. You wouldn't know it from the picture but this is the lady who left us a wonderful present last week.We had a lot of reading due for class and I was able to get that done and then we had FHE but we first went to get our cell phone "charged". Due to wonderful Spanish custom it wasn't going to reopen till 5 so we took advantage of the time for a neet picture.In that picture I was listening to Hazel Eyes. Just in case anyone was wondering.
Anyways, from there we just went to FHE and had a fun time. We played UNO and just got to know each other better. I will never play UNO the same after Brazil. It was a very intense and important game there.

Anyways, due to the massive amount of reading that Dr. Shumway had us due Tuesday was looking grim. But then a light shone in the darkness. Garrett suggested that we all go to an awesome park in Madrid and do our reading there. So we did. It was really cool. I had a lot of fun and actually got some reading done. I was impressed with myself. But to be honest, it was only because I left the group and went off alone. Here's the view I had for an hour... I hear it is snowing a lot back home and I just want everyone to be very jealous of my awesome refreshing warm temperature.
We met up with the Crazy Cat Lady. I was ready for her mean throwing arm however and was on my toes to run. From there we went into the city center to get postres once again. When we got there they had them fresh and delicious. There were some more cool street performers. So, just so you all know, this guy is completely motionless with his hair and coat and tie pinned that way. I'll try to get a video up.
And it was overall awesome. From there I headed back home. I realize I have never shown that I live in a hobbit hole. Notice the Doorknob. The other thing is just a key hole.


katie said...

...and yes...I am very happy! It seems so clean in the city just like Toronto. Is it or is it just the pics your taking? I like your park view pic and yes...I am very jealous of your warm temps!
Boo hoo hoo

Your Own Personal Jenny said...

they have those wierd key holes in England too! it's the wierdest thing ever! And...what song is Hazel eyes?