Saturday, March 29, 2008

Arco de Medinaceli

On the way home from Barcelona we stopped in old city that is famous for some Roman Arch. This is the arch that is on all the road signs for historic sites. It was kind of adopted as the national symbol for historic places. But, either way, the city was pretty cool. When we got out of the bus everyone was wanting to just relax and play after 6 hours in the bus.Some started up a soccer game.But, even with a broken camera I really wanted to find this arch and see the city. My camera was still on night shot at first.But, because I know my camera pretty well I can change between night and normal without looking. The town was pretty chill. I liked it.That house was covered in vines.It had a pretty cool view out into the countryside.And here it is, the famous arch.We were a little late but there was really cool statue I wanted a picture with so I handed off my camera and ran down there.There was a little problem with the zoom and I was nearly cut off.But there I am. Don’t worry about me. (My “challenge” shirt is pretty hard to miss.) And then we headed home. Thus ended the last trip in Spain. Kind of sad.

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